Tuesday, November 25, 2014


saat pertama aku jumpa denganmu,rasanya hatiku mulai tertatih menghampiri
relung hatimu ..tapi disisi lain aku sadar aku telah bersamanya
Hati tak bisa aku membohongi,cnta yg sekian lama ak jalin denganya kini
harus berakhirr karna keindahan jiwamu
aku tau dia sahabatmu namun apa daya jika rasa cinta ku padamu telah
ma'afkan aku sobat telah menghancurkan persahabatan kalian

Air mata yang sekian lama aku tahan agar tak berlinang dan terurai....
kini akhirnya mampu menetes membasahi pipi karna kesalahan ku sendiri


Saat lihat berita tentang para koruptor
tak tahu malu ia mengambil uang rakyat
para koruptor memang tak tau malu,tak tau diri
sudah terbukti salah masih saja bertingkah

Aku heran dengan Negri ini
kenapa para koruptor tak di hukup seberat-beratnya
sedang orang biasa yang sebenarnya tidak bersalah bisa di hukum melebihi para koruptor

Inikah negara yang adil
sedang ketidak adilan terlihat nyata di depan mata


Hanya seorang gadis biasa
Gadis yang masih bergantung pada orang tua
Gadis dengan segala kekurangan yang ada

Hanya seorang gadis apa adanya
Penampilanku tak semenarik mereka
Dan tak akan bisa menjadi seperti mereka

Aku tak mampu melisankan kata-kata indah untukmu
Lewat coretan penaku inilah yang ku mampu
Kurangkai huruf-huruf hingga menjadi kata
Menyusun kata demi kata menjadikan kalimat bermakna
Inilah aku...
Iya, aku yang biasa-biasa saja
Tetapi cintaku untukmu tida
(Ajeng Rizki Faradita)


Perpisahan adalah suatu keharusan,dinda
Dalam pandang mata kau tak perlu meneteskan airmata

Dilembar hidupku telah tertulis
Bahwa indahmu sungguh melengkapi
Namun penyakit ini terus menggerogoti
Setelah semua yang kita lewati
Kini harus tetap berakhir

Aku takkan menangis
Aku akan tetap tersenyum
Hingga nafas yang terakhir
Karna aku mengecapi bahagia bersamamu

Tak ada lagi yang tersembunyi
Semua tlah terlukis seperti pelangi
Dalam tawa canda kita
Biar kusimpan semua rasa yang tersisa
Tak perlu berterusan kau ungkit aku
Karna sebenar cintamu abadi dihati yang lain
Yang menanti

Aku ingin melihat senyummu
Karna cintaku sampai mati
Meski tak seabadi bersamamu
Aku ingin kau tetap berbunga
Karna wangian cintaku sampai kesurga
Meski tak bersamamu
Karna dirimu bersama cinta yang lain
Yakinlah aku kan tersenyum
Melihat engkau tersenyum                          

                                                                                                        (Oleh Testy Dwi D)

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


She had thought the studio would keep itself
No dust upon the furniture of love.
Half heresy, to wish the taps less vocal,
The panes relieved of grime. A place of pears,
A piano with a persian shawl , a cat
Stalking the picturesque amusing mouse
Had risen at his urging .
Not that at five each separate stairs would writhe
Under the milkman’s tramp ; that morning light
So coldly would delineate the scraps
Of last night’s cheese nad three sepulchral bottles;
That on te kitchen shelf among the saucers
A pair of bottle eyes wold fix her own-
Envoy from some village in the moldings. . .
Meanwhile, he , with a yawn,
Sounded a dozen notes upon the keyboard,
Declared it out of tune, shrugged at the mirror
Rubbed at his beard, went out for cigarettes;
While she , jeered by the minor demons,
Pulled back the sheets and made the bed and found
a towel to dust the table top ,
and let the coffee- pot boil over on the stove,
by evening she was back in love again
though not so wholly but throughout the night
she woke sometimes to fill the daylight coming
like a relentless milkman up the stairs
 Adrienne Rich (b. 1929)


Here I am, standing in the brink of the day
Staring at the sun that has gone away
And a smile upon your face,
Make me never wanna leave this place

There you are, hardly I can see cause you just so far
I see your eyes blinking, are you a star?
But I remember you said you’re a moon
So I should have seen you soon

And here we are now,
You come to me somehow
You are getting closer and closer,
But why I feel like a stranger?

I remember,
It’s been 365 nights since the last goodbye
It’s too long for me, that’s the reason why

Now please come down, get lower
I’m on the top of the tower and can’t go higher
I have something to say to you
I need to tell you, that… I wanna stop loving you

     (By Mych Ryan )


You could be sitting now in a carrel
turning some liver spotted page
or rising in an elevator - cage
toward ladies' apparel

you coud be planting a raucous bed
of silvia, in rubber gloves,
or lunching through a screed of someone 's loves
with pitying head,

or making some unhappy setter
heel, or listening to a bleak
lecture on schoenberg's serial technique.
isn't this better?

think of all the time you are not
wasting, and would not care  to waste
such things, thank God, not being to your taste,
think what a lot.

of time , by woman's reckoning,
you've saved, and so may spend on this ,
you who had rather lie in bed and kiss
than anything.

it's almost noon , you say? if so,
time flies , and i need not rehearse
the rosebuds - theme of countries of verse.
if you must go,

wait for a while , then slip downstairs
and bring us up some chilled white wine,
and some blue cheese, and crackers, and some fine
Ruddy-skinned pears
                                                 (richard wibur : B. 1921 )